Hola a todos! 
Hoy os traigo un look de entretiempo, al menos para los que vivimos en la provincia de Burgos jeje. Tenemos el verano a la vuelta de la esquina pero el calorcito aún parece resistirse.
Elegí la parte de arriba de una de mis tiendas online favoritas Sheinside. Es un jersey con detalles en mangas, cuello y parte inferior. No lleva camisa debajo es solo el efecto del jersey. El resto de prendas son muy sencillas ya que la parte superior era la protagonista. Como abrigo una cazadora denim oversize (que me agencié del armario de mi padre).
Espero que os guste y en breve empezaré con looks de veranito.

Hi everbody!
Here I bring you a look in between seasons, at least for those who live in not that warm regions. Summer is about to reach us but the heat is taking its own time.
Let’s talk about the outfit. The main piece is this original jersey, it seems like you are wearing a blouse underneath which make it kind of special. I found it pretty cool and I bought it at one of my favourite online stores, Sheinside. The rest of the clothes are pretty plain cause I didn’t want to overlook. The outwear I chose was my oversized denim jacket from my dad’s private collection (which means I took it from his old wardrove and now it’s kind of mine. LOL)
Hope you like the post, soon I’ll be posting summer looks I promise.



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